Answered By: Jon Allinder
Last Updated: Mar 08, 2022     Views: 3363

Yes!  Access Google Scholar from our webpage to automatically connect to many (but not all) of the Walden Library databases. 

Note: If you access Google Scholar directly from the internet you will have to follow the steps to manually connect Google Scholar to the Walden Library. This connection is erased when you clear your cache and cookies. 

Here are the steps for accessing Google Scholar via the Walden Library:

  1. On the Library homepage, click on Start Your Research.
  2. Locate and click the link to Google Scholar
  3. In the Google Scholar box, type your topic, article title, or DOI and click Search
  4. You will be taken to the Google Scholar page, which is already configured to search the Walden Library. 
  5. Look for results that have the Find@Walden link on the right hand side.
  6. Click on Find@Walden to locate the article in the Walden Library databases. 


Search tips:

  • Click on the Find@Walden link and open it in a new tab. Your search results page will remain in the other tab. 
  • If you click on the article's title it will take you to the publisher's page where you are prompted to purchase the article. The publisher's page will not recognize your Walden credentials.


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