Answered By: Jon Allinder
Last Updated: Jan 22, 2022     Views: 60808

If you have the title of an article, you can search Google Scholar from the Library's webpage to see if the Library has the full text.

Tip: If you access Google Scholar from our webpage it will automatically connect to the Walden Library databases. 

IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you prefer to access Google Scholar directly on the internet, you must connect it to the Walden Library. The manual connection lives in the browser's settings. When you clear your cache it will clear this setting. You will have to reconnect to the Walden Library after clearing your cache. 

Quick Answer: How do I link the Walden Library to Google Scholar? 


Here are the steps for searching for an article in Google Scholar. In this example we will look for the article:

  • Smith, R. L., & Rose, A. D. (2011). Labor's Involvement in Workplace Education. Adult Learning, 22(1), 4-5.
  1. On the Walden Library homepage, at the top of the page, click on Start Your Research.
  2. Click on Google Scholar
  3. Enter the article title in the search box.

    Note: Placing words in quotation marks tells Google Scholar to search for the words as a complete phrase, instead of as individual words. For example: "Labor's Involvement in Workplace Education"

  4. Click the Search button.  
  5. Find your article in the results list.   
  6. Look for the Find@Walden link to the right of the article citation.

  7. Click the Find@Walden link to access the full text. You may need to log in with your myWalden username and password.

Tip: If you right click on the Find@Walden link and open in a new tab, your search results will stay in the first tab



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