Answered By: Jon Allinder
Last Updated: Nov 23, 2021     Views: 10966

The Journals page on the Library website allows you to search for an individual journal by title.

Tip: Some journals have delayed access, imposed by the publisher. Pay attention to the coverage years.

  1. On the Library homepage click on Publications.
  2. In the Find Journals box, type the journal name and click Search

    For example:  Journal of Educational Computing Research 

  3. On the results page you see a list of journal names with links to the database(s) that have the journal in full text. Each entry will also tell you the date range for which full text is available.

  4. Click the database name to access the journal's content within the database.
  5. Select a specific issue to browse, or search within all issues of the journal.

If you have the reference citation for a specific article, we have the steps in this Quick Answer: 


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