Answered By: Cassie Albrecht
Last Updated: Dec 14, 2017     Views: 854

Students can log in to their Meditrek account at any time to see the status of their application. The statuses are as follows:

Incomplete: This application has yet to be submitted to the field office and will not be reviewed.

Closed: The application was permanently closed by a field education coordinator for an inappropriate practicum site, inappropriate preceptor, black state (non-approved state), student is no longer using the practicum site, etc.

Started: Student has started the application but hasn’t submitted the site application. Applications in this status do not get reviewed by the field education office.

Pending: Student has started the application and submitted the site application. Applications in this status do not get reviewed by the field education office.

Submitted: Application has been submitted to Walden and is ready for review by a field education coordinator.

Returned: Application was submitted and reviewed by a field education coordinator and has been returned to student for further work.

On Hold: All aspects of the application have been reviewed and approved except for the affiliation agreement.

Approved: Everything is approved, including the affiliation agreement. Student is all set.

For more information about your nursing practicum, please refer to your practicum manual or contact the Nurse Field Training Office

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