Answered By: Kristina Harris
Last Updated: Mar 08, 2019     Views: 4382

The university encourages students and instructors to discuss problems or differences in expectations in a frank and open manner. When students and instructors address problems promptly, they can often resolve issues with minimal disruption to the learning experience. The first step in resolving any working concerns with one’s chairperson or mentor is reaching out directly to the faculty and inquiring about your concerns in a professional and courteous manner.

However, in some cases, differences are not easily resolved. Individuals who want to request a change in faculty services must contact a Student Success Advisor, who will consult the associate dean/dean, or designee. Any change in faculty services, including faculty mentors or dissertation/doctoral study/thesis chairs, can be made only during the add/drop period of each term and will not be effective until the next term start. Students will be notified of the change via email, typically at least a week before their next course is scheduled to begin.

Do you have more questions? Find out how to contact your Student Success Advisor for more information.