A DOI number does not affect the in-text citation of an article, but it does change the reference entry slightly. An article with a DOI number would use the following reference template:
Author, A. (Year). Title of the article in sentence case. Title of the Journal in Title Case and Italics, Volume number in italics(Issue), xxx-xxx.
Example Reference
Grammer, R. (2013). Death by chocolate. Journal of Bizarre and Fascinating Health Statistics, 5(22), 222-229.
Finding a DOI Number
If you are unsure whether or not your article has a DOI number, use CrossRef's guest query form for your search. Be careful to avoid typos, and be sure to use specific information in the form. This website allows you to search for an article by DOI number or to search for a DOI number.
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Other questions about your doctoral capstone or the form and style review? Email the form and style editors at [email protected].
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