Answered By: Jon Allinder
Last Updated: Jan 22, 2022     Views: 67100

The term "popular press" refers to material written for the general public. This is opposed to scholarly material written for an academic or research audience, or trade material written for an industry audience.  Most popular press materials are newspaper and magazine articles.  

Examples of popular press, trade, and scholarly
  Popular Press   Trade   Scholarly

  Time, Newsweek, etc.
  New York Times, The Guardian, etc. 
  Does not include: 
  Tabloids or gossip magazines

  Chronicle of Higher Education

  Wall Street Journal

  American Journal of Nursing

  Educational Leadership

  Psychological Bulletin


The ProQuest Central database is one place to find popular press materials. 

  1. On the Walden Library homepage, click on Databases A-Z. 
  2. Click on the dropdown box: All Database Types. 
  3. From that dropdown list, click on: Newspapers & Magazines.
  4. Scroll down and click on: ProQuest Central.
  5. Log in with your MyWalden email address and password if prompted.
  6. Type your keywords into the search boxes. For example:

    First Search Box:  healthcare 

    Second Search Box:  privilege

  7. Verify the Full Text box is checked.
  8. In the Source Type box, check Magazines and Newspapers.

  9. Click the Search button.

Search tip: By default the database displays the search results by relevance.  You may find it useful to view the results by date.  Use the Sorted by button in the left column to change the sort order.



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