After November 9, 2021, the first time you access an EBSCO database or full-text article, you will be prompted to consent to EBSCO’s Personal Data Retention and Usage Policy.
If you choose to consent, then a new personal EBSCO account will be automatically created for you. This account is separate from your Walden account and is strictly between you and EBSCO. This personal account allows you to save searches, create search alerts, and save resources to personal folders.
You may also choose to withdraw consent, which means that you cannot use any of the personalization features offered with a personal EBSCO account. You will also need to withdraw consent each time you access these resources as your personal information is not stored to remember this setting.
Important: Choosing to withdraw consent does not impact your ability to use any EBSCO database to perform searches or download and read full-text articles. It only impacts your ability to use the optional personal EBSCO account functionality.
If you choose to withdraw consent, you will be presented with the following message:
Are you sure?
You choose not to grant consent. If you continue, any personal data we've collected will be permanently deleted and you will not create an account.
Without a personal account, you will no longer be able to:
You will still be able to anonymously access EBSCO products through your institution.
Important: Selecting "Delete my account" does not impact your Walden account or Library access in any way. It only means that EBSCO will not create a new personal account for you to use moving forward.
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