Answered By: Last Updated: Nov 25, 2024 Views: 1118
Visual: The webinar begins with a PowerPoint slide in the large central panel. There is a Q&A pod, chat pod, links pod, and files pod in the webinar room.
The slide says: The Walden University Writing Center Presents: APA Reference List Workshop,
Part 1: Top Overall Formatting
- A recording will be available in our webinar archive
- Closed captioning is
available via the Captioning link in the Links box - Download slides
- from “Files” pod (or email us if you’re on a mobile device)
- Download Certificate of Attendance from “Files” pod
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- Review the Technical
Suggestions in the Links pod - Select “Help” or the “i” icon in the right corner of the webinar room
- Use the Q&A pod
- Polls, files, chat box, and links are interactive
Audio: Anne: Hello, everyone. Welcome to the webinar. I have Max and Michael with me today, and we are presenting APA Workshop Part I. We are so excited to share this material with you today and do some workshopping together. Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedules to join us whether you are here live or watching the recording here with us. A few housekeeping items you can see here on the slides. We will have a recording available in our webinar archive probably later this week, and we will also send that out by email after the webinar. There is closed captioning available today, and you can access that through the captioning link in the link box on the right side of your screen. Under the link box is the files box, and there you'll find the slides available for download. However if you are joining us from a mobile device those are not available, however you can email us at [email protected] and we can share the slides with you that way. In that same files box, there's also a certificate of attendance that you can download if you'd like. Check out the technical suggestions box on our website if you're having technical issues. You can also select the Help or I icon in the top right corner, which will take you to Adobe Connect support, that’s really the best place to go if you’re having some trouble. You can also use the Q&A box on the right side of your screen and Michael and I will help you out as best we can.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: Presenter and Facilitators slide.
Presenter: Max Philbrook, Writing Instructor. Walden University Writing Center. Pronouns: He, Him, his.
Facilitator: Michael Dusek, Writing Instructor. Walden University Writing Center.
Facilitator: Anne Shiell, Resource Manager of Student and Faculty Webinars Walden University Writing Center. Pronouns: She, her, hers.
Audio: Anne: Lastly, the chat box, the polls, and the links are all interactive here live and again also in recording. As I mentioned, Max Philbrook is our presenter today, and Michael Dusek is facilitating with me behind the scenes answering questions. Both Max and Michael are writing instructors in the Walden University writing center and they do a lot of work and projects in the writing center. One of their primary roles is to work with students one on one in our paper review service, so you may have been so lucky to work with one of them on your writing, and if not I would definitely check out our paper review service if you have not yet. Thanks so much, Max and Michael, and Max, I will turn it over to you.
Max: Thank you very much, Anne. It is very nice to be here presenting this special session to all of you. I'd like to give a special thanks to Anne for that introduction and to Michael for helping me out behind the scenes. As Anne pointed out, the Q&A pod is a direct conduit for you to communicate with Michael and Anne if you have questions about Adobe Connect or anything about references entries. I'd also like to give a special welcome to our captioner who is providing live closed captioning for this session. One thing we strive to do is to make our material accessible to all, and we couldn't do that without the hard work of the captioner behind the scenes. In the middle part of your screen is the links box, and if you click Captioning, it will take you to that. And a special thanks and welcome to you all for taking time out of your scholarly, personal, and professional lives to work on your writing, and that I think is worth a big amount of thanks. So welcome, and without further ado, I'd like to hear from you all right when we get started. In the chat box, could you mention or list or reflect some elements that you find to be the most challenging part of creating a references list?
Visual: Slide changes to the following: the following: Chat: What do you find to be the most challenging part of creating a reference list?
Audio: Max: I know many of you are new students just starting your Walden journeys. Maybe it's the first time you've thought about referencing source material with a reader in your writing. Even if you don't have experience creating references lists, maybe you have general ideas about what you may find challenging about APA style. So let's get the brain juices flowing a bit, and why don't you pop in the chat box what you find most challenging about creating references lists. [Pause in audio as responses come in]. I'm seeing a lot of very interesting responses coming into the chat box. Hopefully you can keep up and hopefully yours are being represented there as well. Thanks for everyone who felt comfortable sharing, and if you didn't, if you’d rather just think about it and reflect on your own, that's perfectly fine too. But I'm seeing a lot of responses coming in about specific types of sources. How do you reference a website or a resource from the Walden classroom? Where does the period go? What gets italics? I see a lot of these very important questions, very important concerns you might have about the references list. These are all great answers, and I'm with you on all of that. APA references are not easy, but they do follow a pattern, and once you start to learn the pattern and learn how to access information from the resources that we have at your disposal, you start to get the hang of it. In today's session, this is part 1, so we are going to be looking at references lists as a whole.
Many of your specific questions about how do I reference a website, where does the period go, what gets italics, will not necessarily be covered in today's session. But don't worry because we have another session coming up shortly on April 15 where we dive into those specific elements of APA style references entries. Today what I will say about those specific concerns about creating individual entries is, I'm going to share a lot of reference resources with you today. So, if you want to start preparing and answering those questions, you can. Use those resources I share with you. The writing center has a whole library of resources for you. I'm currently holding up my APA spiral bound 7th edition. That is another resource I encourage you all to becoming comfortable using. It can feel intimidating to hold that 400-page reference book in your hands. But the more you use it and get used to the APA manual, the better. You have that resource at your disposal as well. I'll give you more information about the references entry webinar session that will happen on April 15 later in the session. But let's get started and look at today's session and what I hope to accomplish in the 60 minutes we have together. We are going to discuss the purpose of a references list in APA style.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: Session Overview.
- Discuss the purpose of a reference list in APA Style.
- Identify common overall formatting errors in APA reference lists.
- Discover ways to fix errors.
- Workshop a reference list:
- Suggested materials: A reference list of your own (can be a draft or completed).
- Learn resources to help you revise your own reference lists
Audio: Max: We're going to identify the most common overall errors in APA references list. And we're going to discover ways to fix those errors. And then, because I think most good writing instruction happens when people are actually writing, and reading their writing, we're going to take time in the middle of today's session to workshop one of your own references lists. So if you are able, maybe you can find a references list that you completed for a previous paper, or maybe one that you're working on, or maybe one that you wrote in undergrad and has been sitting in a dusty corner of your office for ten years. All of those options are useful. Even if you don't have a references list on hand to workshop in today's session, don't worry, stick with it. I'll give you some additional ideas for what you can work on in that portion of the presentation.
And then finally, because you can only learn so much in a one-hour presentation, the last bullet will be me giving you resources that you need to further explore this very important concept as it comes to scholarly writing. So that is our overview of today's session.
So to start, what I would like to do is a little bit of an activity that will get us thinking about the purpose of the references list. And remember, APA style scholarly writing is a very unique and special form of writing. The expectations that readers have for your writing in APA style are different than in almost any other form of writing. So using sources and ethically and in an organized way sharing the sources of your information is so important in APA style writing, and that's why we present individual, multiple sessions of each of these APA style issues. So here is the exercise I would like to start with today. And I'll flip forward to the next slide here. In the links pod, there is a link that says Article, and also you can see it here in the slide. There's a link to an article by Kaya and Yaprak.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: Exercise & Chat
- Click the “Article” link here or in the Links pod.
- Find the (Lu & Bol, 2017; Yang et al., 2006) citation at the top of the second page.
- Pretend you are using the article for research, and you want to find those two original sources. What do you do?
- Find the article’s reference list.
- Find the two sources in the reference list.
- Share in the chat box: What do you notice about this exercise? Is it easy or difficult to find the sources in the reference list? Why?
Audio: Max: I would like you to access that source, and when you click on the link, it will pop right up. On page 2, at the very top of that page of the article, there is a citation that contains the sources "Lu and Bol (2017)" and an additional source from "Yan et al. (2006)" I would like you to look at that citation, and then scroll to the end of the Kaya and Yaprak source, and find those sources in the references list of the article. So think of this as your research process. You’ve got the Yaprak source in your hand but you find these other two sources that might be helpful. When you locate those two sources on the references list, I'd like you to share in the chat box. What did you notice about finding these sources? Was it easy? Was it tricky? What conclusions can you draw about the sources that Kaya and Yaprak used in their research article just by looking at the references list? So be thinking about using this references list and citations as a tool for your research. Now I'll mute and give you a few moments to collect your thoughts, and please do share in the chat box what you noticed and what insights you have about this process of gathering scholarly information and locating the other sources of information. [Pause as comments come in to chat box]
Anne: Hi, everyone. I see we're having a little trouble with the article. I'm just going to open it up for us. It's going to pop up over the Connect room. You'll still be in the Connect room, and you can minimize that article once you're done.
Visual: New window opens to article “Exploring the Role of Training in Promoting Students’ Peer Feedback Including Critical Peer Feedback”.
Slide visual remains the same.
Audio: Max: Thanks, Anne. The article opened up on my end, so I think everyone should have access at this point. And so just a reminder of the activity. Once you have access to the Kaya and Yaprak source, look at the top of page 2. Locate those sources in the citation, and then locate the sources on the references list. Reflect on that experience and what you learned, and why you think APA style has so many specific formatting elements as part of creating a references list. Sure. So, student, you can see. If anyone is wondering which sources I want you to look at, you can see on bullet 2 on the slide that's up. “Lu and Bol (2017)” is one source, and “Yang et al. (2006)” is the other source. [Pause as chat comes in].
Excellent. I'm seeing some very interesting responses coming into the chat box about the purpose and about those steps and about the features of the references entry for these sources. Excellent. I'm seeing some specific details about the references list and how those sources are organized. I see we've got alphabetical order. I see some people are discussing how easy it was to locate those sources moving from the citations in the paragraph to the references list below. Excellent, I'm seeing some people note the differences between the Yang source in the citation versus the Yang source in the references entry. Yes, organized, last names, in ABC order. Very neat. Excellent. I think that is a terrific note to make about the references list. If you're still thinking and still putting in a response, keep going. But I would like to springboard into the part of the presentation where we discuss the purpose of the references list. And I think one or all of these points were made in one form or another by you all in the chat box. Fabulous job. Well done, everyone.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: What’s the purpose of a reference list?.
1) Give credit to sources you used in your writing (and avoid plagiarism).
2) Give readers the information they need to be able to find those sources.
3) Establish your credibility as a scholarly writer.
Audio: Max: The purpose of the references list is to give credit to sources you used in your writing. I maybe should have added fifty exclamation points, in bold and one hundred point text because it's so important. Using sources in APA style is so important. Good scholarly writing happens when you use existing, credible published sources to help support your voice and ideas. That's the goal. That's the project of creating knowledge and doing this scholarly work. But you also have an obligation to do so ethically. It's a good thing to use sources to support your work. But if you fail to give proper credit for where you got that information, that's a big problem in APA style writing. The P-word is in parentheses here, and that's plagiarism. Being very disciplined and organized with your references list allows you to avoid plagiarism in your writing.
Point 2 is a really useful one. Point 2 is saying give readers the information they need to be able to find those sources. And that's what you just did. If you were interested in the topic from the Kaya and Yaprak source and wanted to learn more, Kaya and Yaprak have given you all the information you need to do more research and reading on that topic. Everything you do with your scholarly writing is hopefully done in a reader-centric way. Without a reader, there would be no writer. So when you're putting together your references list, you're doing so to help your reader.
And finally, number 3. If you share the sources of your information, if you show your reader that you understand APA style and that you know where the period goes and that you know how to form a well-constructed APA references list, your credibility as a writer increases. The reader can see that you've done all these things and see that you've done your homework and that you know what sources to consult in your field. So that's the purpose of the references list.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: Reference List vs. bibliography or works cited.
An APA reference list gives credit to sources used in your text.
A reference list is not
- a list of all of the sources you read, or
- a selection from sources you cited in your text.
Audio: Max: I'd just like to quickly compare the references list to some other types of documents you might be familiar with or will be asked to complete or create in the course of your Walden studies. The references list is its own thing. It goes along with each and every paper you write, every discussion post, every capstone document, all the way up to capstone dissertation projects. You give credit. Anytime you cite a source in the paper, that source must also appear in the references list. That is in contrast to an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is different. It's a tool. It's its own thing where you are putting together a body of research for a particular project. A references list is not a lit review. A lit review might take place in a paper, but that paper will still contain a references list after. So just be in the habit. Anytime you include a source of information, a citation in your paper, make sure you’re also in the habit of adding that to your references list so you don't make mistakes when completing your paper. So a reference list is not all of the sources you’ve read. It's also not a selection of the sources you cited. Each citation has a corresponding reference in your list.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: Citations & The Reference List: A Partnership.
- Citations and the reference list work together
- A source might be cited several times throughout your writing (depending on how much information from that source you use); a source is only listed once in the reference list
- Every reference entry needs at least one corresponding citation in your writing; your reference list should not have any reference entries that do not have at least one citation
- Every source cited in your text* needs a corresponding reference entry
*Exception: Personal communications
Audio: Max: The citations in your paper and the reference list entry for your citations, there's a partnership there. They're working together to give your reader a full picture of your research, of your use of sources. Let's say you've cited from the Dusek source. “Dusek (2021) stated that” . . . And you've cited that sources multiple times. There only needs to be one references entry for that source in your references list. Conversely if you have a reference list entry on your references list, your reader should be able to find somewhere in your paper, find that source. Think about it that way, If your reader is reading your paper and want to know more about a source you cited from, they'll flip to your references list. Then again if your reader is looking through your references list, each source included on the references list should also be cited somewhere in the paper. Think about references and citations as an ecosystem. Think about it in terms of being all encapsulated in the papers you write. There is a caveat at the bottom of this slide about personal communications. If you're conducting an interview or referencing an email exchange, there is a caveat that you put the citation in the paper, but there's no reference list entry for this. I won't go into the details right now, but just wanted to point out that this is not a 100% rule.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: Top Overall Reference List Formatting Errors and How to Fix Them.
Audio: Max: Let's look at some of the top references list formatting errors and how we can fix them. I'm going to go through these relatively quickly because I think most of straightforward and make sense. And we'll be able to practice these in a moment. And remember, we're just talking about the references list in general as a whole. Next time in two weeks, we'll be discussing those individual entries.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: Error #1: References list not on its own page. Image of incorrect reference below conclusion paragraph.
Audio: Max: “Error number 1: the references list does not appear on its own page.” It should. The references list is its own section of the paper. It deserves to be on its own page. A quick note for those doing coursework. If you are working in Blackboard and submitting discussion posts. Blackboard formatting is . . . difficult. There is not the same expectation for 100% perfection in Blackboard as there is when you're submitting your course papers. I'm seeing some people commiserate in the chat box on that one. But when you're writing a paper, make sure you are starting your references list on its own page. And one of the themes you'll find throughout the rest of this presentation is that I really want you to get comfortable using the formatting options and tools that exist in Microsoft Word. So when I say start references on its own page, I don't mean push Enter until you get to a new page.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: The fix: use a page break
- Begin your references list on a new and separate page
- Insert a page break to create this separation automatically
- Page break tutorial
- Using a page break helps avoid formatting changes while revising
Audio: Max: There is a formatting tool you can use called Page Break. Page Break is a simple way to tell Word that you want to start the next thing you're typing on its own page. There is a link here to a Page Break tutorial that you can look at.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: Error #2: numbered entries
- In APA Style, reference entries should not be numbered
- Other styles use numbered entries (e.g., often found in scientific and medical texts)
Audio: Max: I see error number two quite a bit, especially from students coming from other writing disciplines and students just starting out. Numbering their citations. APA style references should not be numbered.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: the following: The Fix: Alphabetize Entries
- Do not number your reference entries
- Instead, your reference list should use alphabetical order (see next slides)
Audio: Max: Instead, alphabetize those entries. This is done by author's last name. So we organize our sources based on author's last name and then first name, and we alphabetize individual entries by author's last name. On this slide, we have two different sources. I'm alphabetizing based on the first author's last name. So remember, references lists are made up of individual references entries, and you alphabetize each entry based on the author's last name.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: the following: Error #3: Nonalphabetical Order
- Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the first author’s last name.
- When the list is not alphabetized and follows no order or another order, like chronological order, this is an error.
Audio: Max: In a similar vein, we have non-alphabetical order. We just have the entries included. Usually it's how they appear. The student or writer thinks, my first citation in the introduction should be number 1 on the references list. References are not organized chronologically within the paper and they're not organized by date or anything like that.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: The Fix: Alphabetize.
- Alphabetize your list by the first author’s last name
- If you have multiple entries by the same author, use the next piece of information
Other authors, if applicable
Date (earliest first)
- Shortcut: Use MS Word’s “Sort” feature
Audio: Max: Instead use ABC order. You alphabetize the list by first author's last name. If you have multiple entries by the same author, use the next piece of information and alphabetize based on that. If I have one source by Dusek and one by Dusek and Shiell, that one will come second in the list. If you have identical sources you go chronologically with the oldest source appearing first. Sometimes you'll be using an organization name as the author, and in that case then you'll simply alphabetize just like you would, but you'll use the organization name as the author and put it in ABC order just like you would for a person.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: Error #4: Incorrectly Formatted Heading.
Incorrect (image of References left aligned and non-bolded)
The fix: Bold, capitalized, centered
Audio: Max: Hopefully I'm going to save people a lot of headaches here. Another major error we often see with writers just starting out or references lists in their draft form is their indentation. Oh nope, I jumped ahead. Error number 4 is the heading. The references heading is bold, capitalized, and centered. It appears on its own page and gets its own level one heading formatting. The heading here is References. It's bold, capitalized, centered. A quick note though for those of in your doctoral programs. This doesn't actually apply to the Walden form and style. This is probably only relevant to about 1% of you. But keep in mind that the references heading gets the zero level formatting only in Walden capstones. For your coursework, the heading should be bold, capitalized, and centered.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: Error #5: Incorrect Indentation
No indentation (Image of reference with all text left aligned)
Wrong indentation (Image of reference with paragraph indent)
Audio: As I was jumping ahead before, incorrect indentation. There are two styles of indentation that students will usually try incorrectly. The first is no indentation. You can see that in the left column. On the right is wrong indentation. It doesn't look wrong because that indentation is the formatting we do in our paragraphs in the body of the paper. However, when it comes to the references list, you are to do a hanging indent.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: The Fix: Create Hanging Indents
- Use MS Word’s paragraph formatting to set up hanging indents of .5 indentation on second and subsequent lines
Follow this hanging indent tutorial
- Don’t use the Tab key or space bar!
- Shortcut: Highlight entire list and use CONTROL/COMMAND + T
(Image of hanging indent entry)
Audio: Max: And a hanging indent is where you don't indent the first line, and then each subsequent line gets indented. So this is really just a visual cue. This is a visual cue for the reader so they can see where one source begins and ends and where the next source begins. So instead of standard indentation or none, each individual entry will have its own hanging indent. And again, don't use the space bar to create the hanging indent. I'd like you to get used to using the formatting tools in Word. If you highlight each entry, you can do Command or Control plus T and then each of your entries will gain its own hanging indent. Very simple once you know the shortcuts on the keyboard. So hanging indent. Very important. And it's just a visual reminder to the reader where each source begins.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: Error #6: Incorrect Spacing
Can take several forms
- Single-spaced reference list
- Incorrect spacing between entries
- Manually-created double spacing (which can lead to other formatting errors)
Audio: Max: This is an overall references list formatting error, but when it comes to the spacing of the entire references list, I see students trying to do different things and make it look pretty, which I totally understand, and they do different spacing. Some people single space. Some double space and then single space between. And some people manually create spacing. What happens if you need to add a new source or change something?
Visual: Slide changes to the following: The Fix: Double Space Entire List with MS Word Features
- Double space your entire list (just like the rest of your paper)
Shortcut: Command/CTRL + 2
- Use MS Word’s formatting features—not the space bar, Tab key, or Enter key
- Don’t include extra spaces between entries
Audio: Max: The idea here is to use the tools that Word affords us. Make sure that you are double-spacing the entire list. You can see in the example here, the spacing within each individual entry is the same as between the entries. So a very simple fix here. Highlight the references list, all the entries, and then double space. You can do that using the home ribbon in Word, or we have a few keyboard shortcuts here that you can use. I see a question in the chat about the shortcut for Microsoft Word. What I would like to encourage you to do. If you are new to word processing and you want to learn all of the tools and time-saving techniques that you can, the Walden University academic skills center has created a ton of information. Tutorials, individual one-on-one help with Word. You can email questions about Word. Even if you just want to become more adept and proficient at using Word, I suggest you get in touch with them. And maybe Anne and Michael you can drop the link for the ASC Word help in the chat box. It takes some time, but trust me, these formatting tools really pay off, and they will really help you as you're starting to do more complex formatting with your papers. With your coursework.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: Review Checklist
- Separate page
- Bolded, capitalized, and centered title
- Alphabetized
- Not numbered
- Hanging indents
- Double spaced
- No manual spacing or indenting
Audio: Max: So here we have the review checklist. I wanted to help you visualize it. Here are the seven ideas we were just discussing, those errors we were looking at. And we also have the visual representation of it there as well on the righthand side. So there's the review checklist. Now that I've given you those things and given you some pitfalls to avoid and some strategies for revision, let's move into the workshop portion of our presentation.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: Workshop
Audio: Max: Over the next five minutes or so, I would like you to go about checking your references list.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: Checking Your Reference List
- Open your own reference list
- Go through the checklist
- Separate page
- Bolded, capitalized, and centered title
- Alphabetized
- Not numbered
- Hanging indents
- Double spaced
- No manual spacing or indenting
- Focusing on the list as a whole (rather than individual entries), identify any formatting that needs to be changed
- Review the information and resources in these slides to help fix the error
- Chat: What errors did you find? Do you know how to fix them?
- If you have questions or trouble, schedule a Word formatting appointment with the Academic Skills Center tutors
Audio: Max: I know many of you are on a mobile device or something like that. If you have to click back and forth between the presentation window and your references list, that's just fine. But I'd like you to compare what you have there to the ideas we were discussing. Remember, focus on the whole list at this time. Don't go into the details of each individual references list entry. Review the information in the resources on the slides and see if you can fix what's going on there.
Anne, can you switch to the next layout? Thank you.
Visual: Slide stays the same but poll opens with following text:
Check off each item as you workshop your list.
- Separate page
- Bolded, capitalized, and centered title
- Alphabetized
- Not numbered
- Hanging indents
- Double spaced
- No manual spacing or indenting
Audio: Max: Here I have a poll with all the different items we were just talking about. A lot of these errors, mistakes that maybe pop up. As you spot them, go back and forth and come back to the presentation window. Tick the boxes in the poll at the bottom of your screen that show which of these items you're finding. Then we can get a feel for what people are finding. Also feel free to reflect in the chat box on what you're finding. So use the checklist to identify any of these errors, and report back in to the chat box and the poll and let us know what you're finding. We'll spend a few minutes on this. If you don't have a references list to work on, you can go and maybe pull up an article with a references list. Maybe you could even find a references list on a sample paper for a class or a piece of writing that you've done elsewhere and apply these formatting issues to someone else's references list if you prefer. I did notice that some of you were finding there were some problems with the professionally published references list that we looked at earlier. So if you want to go back to that and maybe investigate that one. So carry on. If you have questions, go ahead and ask them in the Q&A box or put them in the chat box. But definitely come back and tick the boxes. And we'll reconvene in just a few minutes here. Good luck with your workshop, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you all come up with.
I see some wonderful responses coming in to the chat box. Keep on going, we’ll come back together here in about one or two more minutes. I did see a question about hanging indents so I’m going to go back to that slide.
Visual: Slides return to “The fix: double space entire list with MS word features”.
- Double space your entire list (just like the rest of your paper)
Shortcut: Command/CTRL + 2
- Use MS Word’s formatting features—not the space bar, Tab key, or Enter key
- Don’t include extra spaces between entries
Audio: If you are looking for the checklist it is the same items in the poll that’s up, but I did want to move it to the hanging indents slide for your reference.
Excellent work folks, I know that I’m not giving you all the time that you need to work on this. I think just five minutes of working closely with your own references list is very helpful. It puts you in the right mindset and gives you the permission and the skills to use in the future. Remember, you can only learn so much in 60 minutes. So at some point, I am going to pass the torch to you. Not at some point. In about 14 minutes from now, we're going to go our separate ways, and it will be up to you to continue this learning. So use the checklist in your future APA writing and start to practice putting this together. Use the sample references list that we shared and compare that to your writing. Thank you all so much for participating in that. It really means a lot. The best writing sessions are when writing actually happens. Even if you were looking at one of your old references list and not finding any errors, that's fine. That counts as writing. That's putting you in the mindset of reviewing your work and going from there. Excellent work, everyone. Thank you so much for your participation.
Visual: Slides flip back through previous slides. Stops on “References List Resources” slide.
Audio: Max: So there's the workshop and our references list. In the final phases of today's presentation, I want to quickly share some writing center resources with you and then give details about our upcoming live webinar APA references list workshop part II, where we'll look at the specifics of references list entries.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: “Featured Resource: Writing Center Templates”
Templates: Provide both an exemplar and a tool for your APA formatting, including:
- Reference List
- Abstracts and title pages
- Headings
- Page numbers
Citation and APA Style rules
Audio: Max: First and foremost, one of our most popular references we've created at Walden is the coursework template. We've created a sample paper in APA style for you. That includes all of the formatting that puts the paper into APA style. It also includes a sample references list where a lot of this information exists and where you can see all of the formatting in action in Microsoft Word. So the template is a very useful and helpful resource of you as you're writing. It's a template for you. You can start your future papers in the template, and then you don't have to waste time fiddling with Word. You can jump right in and start putting all the proper information in there. As a reminder, the link on the slide is live. You can click right on it. Drop any questions you might have the box for Anne and Michael.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: “Additional Recommended Resources”
Reference List information
Website information about reference lists
Formatting help
MS Word tutoring appointments through the Academic Skills Center
APA Style blog
Searchable, official companion to the APA manual
The Partnership Between Citations and References (Episode 29)
WriteCast podcast episode exploring how citations and the reference list work together
Audio: Max: We also have our references list information, which takes you to the references list portion of the writing Center's website. I really encourage students to use the writing Center's website, not only because I helped build it but because we work with Walden students and professors constantly. We know what you're going through and provide you with resources to help you. There’s the link to the Academic Skills Center for Microsoft Word tutoring. The APA style blog is kind of an informal blog put out by the American Psychological Association. They go into depth on some trickier APA rules. We also have a podcast. The writing center has a podcast called WriteCast: A Casual Conversation for Writers. We have an episode on that ecosystem, that partnership we were talking about before.
Visual: Slide changes to the following: “Upcoming Live Webinar”
APA Reference List Workshop, Part 2:
Top Errors in Individual Entries
and How to Fix Them
April 15, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. EST
Find the recording later in our webinar archive
Audio: Max: And finally we have the live webinar coming up. We're going to do a similar situation. We'll workshop a references list and look closely at some common errors that pop up. If you didn't get your question answered today, those are the types of questions we are going to discuss in the next session. And you can click right here and register now. If you found this session helpful, I will be here again on April 15. I'll be sure to practice my jokes, so maybe that will entice you to come. Anne and Michael will be here again behind the scenes. If you thought this was a nice way to inspire your learning, come back on April 15. With that, Anne, are there any questions that came in that you think would be worth talking about here?
Visual: Slide changes to the following: “Questions”
Ask now in the chat box or email us at [email protected]
Audio: Anne: We had a lot of great questions. I think we answered all of them related to the material today. If not, please feel free to drop your question in the chatbox now and we'll take some time to answer that. Since I see a lot of folks maybe need to drop off, I'll give a quick plug for our email survey. We'd love to hear your feedback on today's webinar, especially because it's new and we're trying out this workshop format. We'd love to hear what you think about it. Thanks, everybody. The Q&A from the chat box will be available in the webinar recording.
Max: Some people are asking about, how do I do this in Word, or could you go back and show me how to do this? Walden Academic Skills Center is a great resource. Microsoft has a large library of tutorial videos that are constantly updated. So a simple Google search will get you way more results and tutorials than you'll ever be able to watch. Don't be afraid. Honestly, this is one of my research strategies if I don't know something and want to start going down the rabbit hole. I'll put it in Google, watch a video, just kind of get the ball rolling in that way. So don't be afraid to put it out there. Chances are, if you are wondering about something, there are a thousand other people wondering about the same thing. There's likely to be content out there. I just wanted to emphasize again that APA style references list entries is not just a hoop that was created by writing teachers that want to see their students struggle or laugh at the struggles of their students. Even though it might seem like it sometimes. Remember, sharing your research, using resources ethically and responsibly, is so central to the type of writing you'll be doing here at Walden. That's why APA style is such a thick style guide. Using sources matters. Keep up the hard work, and know that the more you learn about APA style references and citations, the more you'll see the patterns and the easier it will get. I want to thank you all so much for being here. Michael, our captioner as well, thank you so much. And thank you, students, for all the work you're putting in.
Anne: Thank you for joining us today and participating. You have such good questions, and you're so engaged in your learning and your reference list. It's so exciting to see. Just a reminder that we will send out the link to the recording to you by email. It takes a while to process, but I think we can get that to you later this week. You can download the slides now before you go from the files pod. There's also a certificate of attendance file for you. Another plug for our April 15 webinar and our feedback survey. We always read all of your feedback. What's working for you, what you'd like to see different, and especially with this new workshop format we're trying. Thank you so much, everybody, and we hope to see you for part II in April. Have a good rest of your day.
[End of webinar]
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