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APA Style Citations and Reference Entries: The Basics 

June 29, 2021  





This transcript is being provided in rough-draft format and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings.  



00:01:17.070 --> 00:01:30.810 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: Okay, everybody welcome we're gonna get going, here I know a few people are still trickling in but we got a lot of content to cover here, so I since we're at the top of the hour we're going to we're going to get going with today's webinar. 



00:01:32.370 --> 00:01:34.290 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: case you wanted to the next slide awesome Thank you. 



00:01:34.980 --> 00:01:44.730 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: First of all, hello, my name is Michael dusic i'm a writing instructor in the in the Walden writing Center you'll thanks for joining us today you guys whether you're watching live or recording later on. 



00:01:45.120 --> 00:01:52.320 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: we're really happy that you've taken the time to join us, before we begin, let me go over a few accessibility notes um. 



00:01:52.830 --> 00:02:03.900 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: Closed captions also called subtitles are available by clicking the closed caption button in your zoom toolbar you can choose to quotes show subtitles or hide the subtitles. 



00:02:04.320 --> 00:02:12.420 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: Those are just a couple options there you could also select subtitles settings if you wanted to change the font or the size of the subtitles appearing on the screen. 



00:02:13.530 --> 00:02:23.880 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: If you'd like to view the live transcript you'll click the same button the closed caption live transcript button in the in your zoom toolbar then you'll select view full transcript. 



00:02:24.510 --> 00:02:37.140 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: This will open the transcript in a new window for you will also provide the transcript in our follow up email and it'll also be included in the webinar archive if you wanted to access access that transcript there. 



00:02:40.050 --> 00:02:49.860 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: A few housekeeping notes here first we are recording this webinar so you're welcome to access it later via our webinar archive I know we had one question about that already. 



00:02:50.400 --> 00:03:02.010 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: So yeah this is being recorded we record all of our webinars at the writing Center so you're welcome to look through browse through that archive for other webinars that might be of interest to you or be a kind of a good follow up to this webinar. 



00:03:03.180 --> 00:03:10.800 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: If you are participating on a desktop the slides are going to be available for for download in the chat box, the slides for this presentation. 



00:03:11.100 --> 00:03:19.170 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: i'll put those in the chat box, just as soon as I finished with these housekeeping announcements, but you can access them there if you are using a desktop computer. 



00:03:19.560 --> 00:03:31.380 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: If you're on a mobile device or want to access the access the slides later we'll send them again in that follow up email after the webinar or they'll also be available in that webinar archive for you. 



00:03:32.820 --> 00:03:38.640 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: there's a lot of content today's webinar so we really do encourage you to download those slides and refer to them as a resource. 



00:03:39.000 --> 00:03:45.900 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: After today's presentation and we're going to be moving through some of these concepts and you might not get it right away, but having that. 



00:03:46.260 --> 00:03:50.550 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: That those slides available for you to refer back to I think is really important. 



00:03:51.150 --> 00:03:57.510 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: And there's going to be opportunities to participate in the chat box, some of you have already done that so yeah be ready to do that, throughout the webinar. 



00:03:57.960 --> 00:04:02.970 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: You can also use the reactions in the zoom toolbar if that's something that interests you as well. 



00:04:03.930 --> 00:04:09.240 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: If you're having any technical difficulties, we recommend using chrome browser if possible. 



00:04:10.080 --> 00:04:18.210 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: there's also a great support available at support that so those will be a couple places to go if you're experiencing technical difficulties. 



00:04:19.170 --> 00:04:25.800 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: Lastly, we'll share the feedback survey for this webinar with you at the end or and by that follow up email. 



00:04:26.250 --> 00:04:38.130 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: We really appreciate you taking a few minutes to share that anonymous feedback, it is something that gets looked at and something that really informs our practices and in future webinars so you want to take a second to do that we'd really appreciate it. 



00:04:41.010 --> 00:04:48.330 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: yeah awesome so yeah our presenter today is going to be Casey walls, a fellow writing instructor and colleague of mine. 



00:04:49.530 --> 00:04:59.280 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: Our facilitators are me so uh Michael do sick that's that's my name and then she'll also she's the resource manager of students and faculty webinars here in the writing Center. 



00:04:59.910 --> 00:05:07.110 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: And, and I are going to be watching the chat box throughout the webinar and we'll be ready to answer your question, so if you have questions feel free to put them there. 



00:05:07.500 --> 00:05:16.200 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: And we'll also have a little bit of space for to talk through some questions at the end of the webinar as well with that then i'm going to hand things over to our presenter Casey well. 



00:05:17.550 --> 00:05:18.570 

Kacy Walz: Thanks so much Michael. 



00:05:18.780 --> 00:05:20.490 

Kacy Walz: As Michael said, my name is Casey. 



00:05:20.490 --> 00:05:29.730 

Kacy Walz: Walls i'm a writing instructor here at the Walden university writing Center and I am calling in today from St Louis Missouri where it is super hot i'm still. 



00:05:30.420 --> 00:05:37.200 

Kacy Walz: Even after four years getting used to the heat as a Minnesota native so in today's session we are going to. 



00:05:37.590 --> 00:05:45.720 

Kacy Walz: Talk about the reasoning behind APA citations and references how they're structured and hopefully provide some understanding behind. 



00:05:45.960 --> 00:05:54.480 

Kacy Walz: That madness we're going to identify different errors in reference list entries particularly ones that we see commonly in student writing. 



00:05:55.140 --> 00:06:09.390 

Kacy Walz: we're going to practice, creating citations based on reference list entries and go over exactly how to do that and then we're also going to go over some different resources available to you so you'll know where to go for API help in the future. 



00:06:11.250 --> 00:06:31.860 

Kacy Walz: So before we get started, I just like to hear from all of you, what are your thoughts on why scholars use APA style and why, in particular Walden uses APA style So what are your thoughts and you can type that right into the chat box, where you all have been introducing yourself, thus far. 



00:07:08.970 --> 00:07:20.100 

Kacy Walz: i'm seeing some great responses in the chat so talking about standardizing the way we share that information, providing credit to our sources. 



00:07:21.660 --> 00:07:36.660 

Kacy Walz: participating in that scholarly Community I love that I have not yet seen someone right that we make you do that, because we are mean because we absolutely are not trying to make your life more difficult, even if it seems like that. 



00:07:37.950 --> 00:07:46.320 

Kacy Walz: All of these answers that you're providing so someone had to add, because I, because I mean i'm so all of these answers are are perfect. 



00:07:48.240 --> 00:07:59.370 

Kacy Walz: we're trying to give credit we're trying to make sure we have blade scholarly integrity issues and and making sure that that information is clear. 



00:08:02.670 --> 00:08:19.020 

Kacy Walz: So before we are sorry so so we're going to start off this session with talking about reference entries, and we have that lovely picture of our API seven manual hopefully you all have access to this publication it's super helpful. 



00:08:19.500 --> 00:08:25.650 

Kacy Walz: I have already minds already pretty tattered from from usage and. 



00:08:26.430 --> 00:08:37.320 

Kacy Walz: Hopefully you are all becoming very comfortable with using that as well, so there are some different citation styles there's APA, which is what we use at Walden because that is the generally. 



00:08:38.070 --> 00:08:48.540 

Kacy Walz: that's that's the most common for social sciences, which is what we are at Walden social scientists there's also MLA and Chicago or it's also sometimes called Arabian. 



00:08:48.840 --> 00:08:53.730 

Kacy Walz: So you can take a look at these differences, if you want, later on, as Michael said, you can download those slides. 



00:08:54.690 --> 00:09:10.380 

Kacy Walz: But there are four main parts of a reference entry, so you want to be sure that you have access to the author's name the publication date, the title of your source and the publication information, so the publisher of that source. 



00:09:11.160 --> 00:09:20.640 

Kacy Walz: And as you are working through the different types of references you're probably going to notice that the public in the publication information. 



00:09:20.850 --> 00:09:30.240 

Kacy Walz: Is what is going to most change in terms of formatting for your different types of sources and we're going to talk more about that, right now, and give you some examples of what I mean. 



00:09:31.650 --> 00:09:32.160 

Kacy Walz: So. 



00:09:33.450 --> 00:09:43.710 

Kacy Walz: In terms of that first aspect that you need that author information, you are going to list all of the authors last names, followed by a. 



00:09:44.550 --> 00:09:54.990 

Kacy Walz: Their their first initial and or sorry any initials that are included in the publication you're going to make sure you keep them in the order that the authors are presented on that publication and. 



00:09:56.430 --> 00:09:56.730 

Kacy Walz: The. 



00:10:11.550 --> 00:10:12.450 

Kacy Walz: organization. 



00:10:13.980 --> 00:10:24.090 

Kacy Walz: be considered an author, so if there aren't any specific author's name your author might be something like Center for disease control or American psychological association. 



00:10:24.750 --> 00:10:30.690 

Kacy Walz: Reference entries are always alpha ties by the last name of the first name to author. 



00:10:31.050 --> 00:10:37.680 

Kacy Walz: And then your author name sticks out from the rest of the reference that's what we mean when we talk about a hanging in dense. 



00:10:38.040 --> 00:10:50.070 

Kacy Walz: And then, all subsequent lines of each individual reference are going to be indented in by half an inch and If that sounds confusing i'm going to give you some examples, later on, throughout this. 



00:10:51.240 --> 00:10:58.440 

Kacy Walz: presentation and then, when you download the slides yourself you'll notice that we have bolted, and then highlighted some text. 



00:10:58.620 --> 00:11:11.310 

Kacy Walz: That is specifically to point out the information that we're looking at in each specific slide so that is not part of the formatting of APA so when you're looking at that so, for example, here we have merriam. 



00:11:11.880 --> 00:11:25.020 

Kacy Walz: At all those are bolted, and any yellow that's purely so we can point out exactly what information we're talking about on this slide, and that is not part of the formatting for an actual reference so that's just something to keep in mind as we go through this. 



00:11:25.830 --> 00:11:31.980 

Kacy Walz: So the publication date again that's bolted in and yellow specifically to show you where it is in that reference. 



00:11:32.640 --> 00:11:40.650 

Kacy Walz: Most publications are only going to require that you include a year so for this one, it would just be 2019 and those parentheses. 



00:11:40.890 --> 00:11:53.460 

Kacy Walz: Some publications, however, particularly blog posts newspaper articles magazine articles will include a month or a month end date, and if you have that information it's usually best to include that. 



00:11:54.480 --> 00:12:01.860 

Kacy Walz: Because, as scholars as social scientists you just want to give as much information as possible, for your reader when you see. 



00:12:06.660 --> 00:12:12.810 

Kacy Walz: The publication so nowhere on the page did you have a specific date for that. 



00:12:18.510 --> 00:12:26.160 

Kacy Walz: So here's an example again of looking at that publication title so here the title is three types of literacy. 



00:12:27.120 --> 00:12:41.580 

Kacy Walz: For publication titles they're going to follow sentence taste capitalization rules and basically that just means you're capitalizing in the same way that you would with any sentence, so your first word is capitalized. 



00:12:41.820 --> 00:12:49.830 

Kacy Walz: Any proper nouns are capitalized and then, if there's a colon you'll capitalize the first word after that colon as well. 



00:12:51.630 --> 00:13:02.040 

Kacy Walz: Sources published as their own entity are italics size, so that means any books journals DVDs dissertations etc So those are considered. 



00:13:02.670 --> 00:13:19.350 

Kacy Walz: A separate entity articles blog posts and Chapter titles are not italicized because those are grouped in a specific entity right, you might have different chapters in a book or a dissertation you're going to have different articles in a journal, etc. 



00:13:23.640 --> 00:13:36.330 

Kacy Walz: And then the publication information is going to be everything after the source title so depending on how the source was published and what kind of source you're using that's going to. 



00:13:36.900 --> 00:13:46.710 

Kacy Walz: affect the publication information you include So here we have an example of a journal article that was accessed online, and so it has a deal. 



00:13:47.280 --> 00:14:00.360 

Kacy Walz: So that dry as part of the publication information as is the title of the journal The journals issue number and volume number and again we're going to go over all this in detail so if this isn't making sense don't worry. 



00:14:03.540 --> 00:14:03.990 

Kacy Walz: Excuse me. 



00:14:05.220 --> 00:14:20.550 

Kacy Walz: So public information publication information for journal articles that's when you're going to include that deal is so here most articles that you find now online are going to have a do it that stands for in digital object identifier. 



00:14:21.660 --> 00:14:39.630 

Kacy Walz: And if you have that you're going to want to present it exactly as it is here so even if it's presented as just the numbers, the 1010 at etc you're going to put that number into the format of https colon forward slash forward slash forward slash. 



00:14:40.680 --> 00:14:52.170 

Kacy Walz: If you don't have a dui then your publication information and at the page range so once you've got that page range in this example at 72 to 80 you're done with that. 



00:14:54.600 --> 00:14:56.370 

Kacy Walz: With that reference. 



00:15:02.280 --> 00:15:22.290 

Kacy Walz: So for books you're going to need the publisher name but for APA seven you no longer need to include the city and the state that information is not as important anymore, in terms of publishing so our example here, we have our authors names, we have global issues and adult education. 



00:15:24.900 --> 00:15:32.460 

Kacy Walz: apologize I missed that when I was revising these slides but you'll also notice that that is in sentence level capitalization so issues. 



00:15:33.240 --> 00:15:48.420 

Kacy Walz: and education, none of those are capitalized and then we have josie bass publishing that's the publishing company you notice we don't need to have the state, we don't need to have the city included just the publishers information. 



00:15:50.520 --> 00:15:58.770 

Kacy Walz: And then, for a web page, you will include the URL so the the Web address that you use to link to access that web page. 



00:15:59.340 --> 00:16:10.770 

Kacy Walz: But you do not need to include a retrieved from or a retrieval date, there are some some rare cases where the retrieval date is necessary i'm will actually go over one example of that but, for the most part. 



00:16:11.880 --> 00:16:21.720 

Kacy Walz: You just need to include the author's name so here that's national assessment of adult literacy, though organization is the authorial entity there's no date. 



00:16:25.140 --> 00:16:26.700 

Kacy Walz: And then the title of. 



00:16:29.730 --> 00:16:30.060 

Kacy Walz: It. 



00:16:31.980 --> 00:16:35.550 

Kacy Walz: italics sized and also in sentence level capitalization. 



00:16:36.840 --> 00:16:44.610 

Kacy Walz: And then the US Department of Education that's the name of the website so we include that because. 



00:16:45.210 --> 00:16:56.940 

Kacy Walz: In this instance, the national assessment of adult literacy is the author and the US Department of Education that's the Web address if it was the same we wouldn't necessarily need to include both of those pieces of information. 



00:16:57.810 --> 00:17:03.120 

Kacy Walz: And then we have the Web address and again you'll notice that there is no retrieved from. 



00:17:04.140 --> 00:17:10.200 

Kacy Walz: there's no retrieval date information just this information is what you need to include, for your reader. 



00:17:13.230 --> 00:17:22.800 

Kacy Walz: So here we can take a quick look i'm going to grab a quick drink of water, because my so I don't cough in the microphone again, but you can take a look at these different sources and. 



00:17:24.120 --> 00:17:27.900 

Kacy Walz: you'll note that these formatting it's also a little bit of a. 



00:17:28.140 --> 00:17:41.880 

Kacy Walz: guide for you as a reader so that you can look at that reference list, and if you're familiar with a PA formatting you'll be able to see immediately okay this Miriam source that's a book that how halls Weiss, is an article, etc, so you just take a look at that really quick. 



00:17:46.980 --> 00:17:48.120 

Kacy Walz: Alright, thanks for bearing with me. 



00:17:49.920 --> 00:18:03.090 

Kacy Walz: And we also just want to note that APA style rules aren't random again we're not trying to be mean, but we are trying to be consistent, to participate in that larger scholarly conversation and scholarly community. 



00:18:07.920 --> 00:18:08.370 

Kacy Walz: So. 



00:18:11.580 --> 00:18:25.110 

Kacy Walz: You have a source here and in the chat box, first of all try to identify what kind of source, this is, and then, if you notice any issues in the formatting you can point those out in the chat box as well. 



00:19:16.260 --> 00:19:27.180 

Kacy Walz: awesome so it looks like most people have automatically a journal article, some of you even mentioned that it was retrieved online, because we have that dry information and then. 



00:19:27.960 --> 00:19:40.620 

Kacy Walz: we're noticing a lot of issues with this formatting so great job, it is a journal article, and then we have tried to highlight those errors that you're all pointing out in the chat box in bold and yellow so. 



00:19:41.790 --> 00:19:46.050 

Kacy Walz: Someone noted that approaches should not be capitalized because we are using. 



00:19:49.980 --> 00:19:50.430 

Kacy Walz: American. 



00:19:52.020 --> 00:20:03.120 

Kacy Walz: hospital association that should be in sentence level capitalization because it's a journal title and it should also be italics sized along with the volume number and that's number 47. 



00:20:03.390 --> 00:20:16.470 

Kacy Walz: Some of you also pointed out that there should not be PP in there, because when we're familiar with a PA formatting we're going to understand that 299 to 305 is our page range, so we don't need that extra information there. 



00:20:17.880 --> 00:20:29.970 

Kacy Walz: So here is how that reference entry should look so that's great, and I see a quick question about cross rest that's that's a great resource to pay attention to. 



00:20:30.690 --> 00:20:44.190 

Kacy Walz: oftentimes when you find the journal information now you're going to have that dry right there, but if you don't have a deal is it's not easily accessible cross 



00:20:44.730 --> 00:20:59.730 

Kacy Walz: slash guest query is a great place to go just to double check and make sure that there's not a dui available, so if you can find that dui you want to make sure that you include it otherwise your journal article entry is going to end after the page range. 



00:21:01.200 --> 00:21:02.160 

Kacy Walz: Great question. 



00:21:04.800 --> 00:21:12.150 

Kacy Walz: All right, what kind of source is this and do you see any errors and what are they in this reference entry. 



00:21:42.510 --> 00:21:52.230 

Kacy Walz: awesome you were all so quick with this and that's really impressive and I think it also helps to show how APA style does help us, even if it seems. 



00:21:52.710 --> 00:22:03.360 

Kacy Walz: tricky and complicated because if i'm a reader and I come across this reference entry i'm in know immediately that if I want to find the source myself i'm looking for a book as, as you pointed out. 



00:22:04.320 --> 00:22:16.830 

Kacy Walz: So here again we have some errors pointed out, as you all noted below so should not be italicized, we should not have. 



00:22:19.080 --> 00:22:19.410 




00:22:20.580 --> 00:22:31.410 

Kacy Walz: We should not be using title level capitalization for the book title or sorry we should be using title level capitalization and we don't need to include the city and state so here is what. 



00:22:32.760 --> 00:22:37.560 

Kacy Walz: The actual formatting should look like, so we have the. 



00:22:39.030 --> 00:22:45.060 

Kacy Walz: Regular font business communication process and product is all italicized and I. 



00:22:46.500 --> 00:22:59.490 

Kacy Walz: am going back and forth so for book titles, we use sentence level capitalization so that means communication and product are both in lowercase and then, as many of you mentioned, we don't need the city and state in the publication information. 



00:23:01.530 --> 00:23:13.830 

Kacy Walz: Alright, this is our final example, what kind of sources, this and then what areas do you see in this reference entry and yeah so the hanging in dense is, let me see if I can. 



00:23:15.180 --> 00:23:16.260 

Kacy Walz: use my. 



00:23:17.340 --> 00:23:19.320 

Kacy Walz: pointer so i'm not super. 



00:23:20.730 --> 00:23:30.270 

Kacy Walz: I should be way better at zoom that I am, but if you can see my computer cursor here, this is the hanging in dense so color is. 



00:23:31.020 --> 00:23:41.130 

Kacy Walz: Against the margin of the page and then all subsequent lines of the reference are tagged in by here i'm not sure if it's exactly half inch but in your paper, it should be. 



00:23:41.610 --> 00:23:55.740 

Kacy Walz: By a half an inch so we have created global classroom and then the actual web address all of those are in after the first line and basically that just helps make your references a little bit easier to spot for your reader. 



00:24:01.980 --> 00:24:09.540 

Kacy Walz: recommend, so we have a question about using the event or the tab button or use the hang in that function in word. 



00:24:09.930 --> 00:24:15.120 

Kacy Walz: It actually took me a really long time to figure out how to use the function and word, but I really recommend that. 



00:24:15.750 --> 00:24:18.840 

Kacy Walz: And maybe Michael or and could include the link to. 



00:24:19.350 --> 00:24:23.100 

Kacy Walz: Our word resources or the academic skill Center word resources. 



00:24:23.370 --> 00:24:38.370 

Kacy Walz: Because that's going to keep that formatting for you, even if you end up having to change some of the information in your reference it's automatically going to include that in dense on any subsequent line, as opposed to, if you have to go in and change it. 



00:24:39.210 --> 00:24:46.680 

Kacy Walz: And you press tab that tab is going to stay with that formatting, no matter what information you add so. 



00:24:47.730 --> 00:24:56.790 

Kacy Walz: Thank you so much, and for including that that link that's a really helpful resource and our academic skills Center also provides a lot of helpful resources for word, for me it. 



00:24:57.360 --> 00:25:06.600 

Kacy Walz: So a lot of you also are cruising along and including those errors that you've noticed so first of all, we don't include the. 



00:25:09.360 --> 00:25:25.830 

Kacy Walz: d after the last name, we do not need the retrieved from information, so we would just include that web address, and then we want to include the name of the website, which is CNN. 



00:25:26.880 --> 00:25:32.310 

Kacy Walz: But that should not be ideal size so here is how this resource would look. 



00:25:33.210 --> 00:25:47.760 

Kacy Walz: So how online education can create a global classroom that's the title of the web page and that's going to be italicize and in sentence level capitalization so CNN is not italicized and then we have our web address, but no retrieved from. 



00:25:51.300 --> 00:26:00.150 

Kacy Walz: Alright, so we're going to move on to citations and luckily citations are a little bit easier and also you're going to build them off of your reference list. 



00:26:09.300 --> 00:26:10.740 

Kacy Walz: What information. 



00:26:12.360 --> 00:26:13.590 

Kacy Walz: is coming from. 



00:26:19.440 --> 00:26:21.660 

Kacy Walz: The information that you're using in your. 



00:26:38.160 --> 00:26:38.970 

Kacy Walz: Where we have a parent. 



00:26:43.980 --> 00:26:48.780 

Kacy Walz: The year are both in parentheses in that instance and we'll we'll go over some examples. 



00:26:49.500 --> 00:27:07.170 

Kacy Walz: For the reference entry that's only going to you're only going to have one reference entry per source so whereas you might say the same source several times in your paper you're only going to have one reference and basically that's going to allow your reader to find that source if. 



00:27:11.010 --> 00:27:21.690 

Kacy Walz: me and my own scholarship they can note that citation and then match the citation up with a reference entry and that's going to help them find that specific source. 



00:27:30.000 --> 00:27:30.990 

Kacy Walz: Basically. 



00:27:36.810 --> 00:27:45.900 

Kacy Walz: This is this is good information that i'm providing you it's also giving credit to the other scholars so when all of you are famous published. 



00:27:53.190 --> 00:27:53.760 

Kacy Walz: authors. 



00:27:55.980 --> 00:28:01.140 

Kacy Walz: own argumentation so when you make a point you want to make sure that. 



00:28:04.710 --> 00:28:06.570 

Kacy Walz: My argument right so. 



00:28:09.660 --> 00:28:16.500 

Kacy Walz: This is coming from somebody else when it doesn't have a citation that makes it clear to your reader that that information is your own. 



00:28:17.250 --> 00:28:30.060 

Kacy Walz: And then it also helps readers primarily citations and references are for your readers so they're going to provide them with the information that they need to access that information that source on their own. 



00:28:33.000 --> 00:28:38.880 

Kacy Walz: And citations and references work together so you should have a citation. 



00:28:39.150 --> 00:28:45.450 

Kacy Walz: For every reference included and every citation in your text should have an accompanying. 



00:28:45.630 --> 00:28:56.520 

Kacy Walz: Reference So if you say something in your writing, you need to have a reference that's going to allow your reader to find that source if they if they want to find that information for themselves. 



00:28:56.760 --> 00:29:03.270 

Kacy Walz: and your reference entries should only include works that you've actually cited in your text. 



00:29:05.220 --> 00:29:16.380 

Kacy Walz: The one exception to this is personal communication, so the information that you provide in the in text citation of a personal communication is going to be enough for your reader since they're. 



00:29:16.860 --> 00:29:27.570 

Kacy Walz: Probably not going to be able to access that themselves anyways so personal communications do not appear in your reference list those will only appear as in text citations and you can click on. 



00:29:27.780 --> 00:29:34.860 

Kacy Walz: That link when you download these these slides yourself you'll be able to click on that link for more information, if you have any questions. 



00:29:37.890 --> 00:29:46.770 

Kacy Walz: So here we have an example of a reference and its corresponding citations you can see that reference we went over the information that you need to include. 



00:29:46.950 --> 00:29:58.560 

Kacy Walz: In a reference entry and then you can see how the citation is built off of that reference, so I have color D and all the information I need to find that source and then in. 



00:29:58.920 --> 00:30:15.630 

Kacy Walz: My text if i'm using information from that source i'm going to include color comma, and then the year in my in text citation so it's really helpful to create your reference list and and your citations as you're writing that way it's going to make sure that you aren't. 



00:30:17.460 --> 00:30:27.480 

Kacy Walz: Miss placing that information that you have from the get go, you might even just make a notation for yourself, so that you remember, and then later on, you can you can perfect that formatting. 



00:30:27.960 --> 00:30:46.680 

Kacy Walz: But really We recommend that you create your reference and then format your citation because that's going to make sure that they meet up the way that's going to be most clear, so if you have, for example, if kohler published multiple sources that you're using in 2013. 



00:30:48.090 --> 00:30:54.390 

Kacy Walz: That information from your reference list is going to help you format, the citation so that it's clear which color. 



00:30:55.980 --> 00:31:06.150 

Kacy Walz: resource you're using so we really recommend that you take notes as you're working to make sure that you are giving credit throughout make sure that you're not creating more work for yourself in the long run. 



00:31:06.780 --> 00:31:19.950 

Kacy Walz: But then, once you finalize your work once you're doing your revisions check your reference list and then build your citations off of that make sure your citations match up with that reference entry. 



00:31:23.010 --> 00:31:29.010 

Kacy Walz: So, here are some formatting foundation so again, we have the narrative citation, which means that the. 



00:31:29.550 --> 00:31:38.610 

Kacy Walz: author's names are part of your sentence, and then we have the parents article, which means your author's name is not necessary for the grammatical construction so. 



00:31:39.600 --> 00:31:52.410 

Kacy Walz: We have Hewitt 2010 in parentheses found that writing centers help students are we have halls Weiss at all conducted a survey, and so you can see halt at all and Hewitt. 



00:32:07.980 --> 00:32:08.670 

Kacy Walz: Writing Center. 



00:32:23.400 --> 00:32:32.520 

Kacy Walz: graduate student learning is coming from that source, but the author's names are not part of my sentence, so they are in parentheses. 



00:32:33.750 --> 00:32:34.350 

Kacy Walz: as well. 



00:32:38.370 --> 00:32:47.640 

Kacy Walz: So I saw a few questions about at all in the chat and thank you so much for continuing to participate there I know and and Michael appreciate. 



00:32:48.690 --> 00:32:57.900 

Kacy Walz: All your all your questions so at all basically it's Latin for and others, so the period goes after a while, because that's. 



00:32:58.950 --> 00:33:08.580 

Kacy Walz: an abbreviation at is the full Latin word for and but all is a is an as an abbreviation and that's why the period goes after there. 



00:33:09.510 --> 00:33:23.280 

Kacy Walz: there's no punctuation between the author name and at all so just author name, here we have Hella coffee at all and there's no punctuation there's no comma between Holocaust key and at all. 



00:33:25.560 --> 00:33:35.070 

Kacy Walz: The comma goes between the author and the year after at all So here we have in the parents article that that that last. 



00:33:36.360 --> 00:33:51.120 

Kacy Walz: example Holocaust key at all that's the narrative form or if i'm using parentheses that i'm going to put et space Al period comma after that period, and then the year in parentheses. 



00:33:52.140 --> 00:34:00.480 

Kacy Walz: For APA seven one of my favorite changes that they've made is that we now use at all anytime you are. 



00:34:02.040 --> 00:34:09.660 

Kacy Walz: citing a source, with three or more authors, so the first time the 25th time you're going to use. 



00:34:13.980 --> 00:34:20.310 

Kacy Walz: Townsend anytime I site that so in my text if i'm using that source. 



00:34:27.720 --> 00:34:32.520 

Kacy Walz: Authors or one author's name so Hello coffee and Barnes. 



00:34:46.560 --> 00:34:49.860 

Kacy Walz: joke this little comic if you are. 



00:34:51.900 --> 00:35:02.520 

Kacy Walz: citation nerd like me then hopefully you'll you'll get this joke as well, but this also provides a good example of when that retrieval date information is important so here. 



00:35:03.570 --> 00:35:17.910 

Kacy Walz: And our resource manager found this excellent little comic but this post, which was an instagram post doesn't exist anymore, so in order to give proper credit to the creator or to whomever posted this. 



00:35:23.760 --> 00:35:33.780 

Kacy Walz: Sorry, my my headset went off to give proper credit to that author, we want to include that citation, but we also need to include retrieved the retrieval date because if. 



00:35:35.280 --> 00:35:43.530 

Kacy Walz: they're not going to be able to find it so that date just let that person know Okay, so this buzz they are on June six and if it's not there. 



00:35:51.210 --> 00:35:52.800 

Kacy Walz: So here we have. 



00:36:01.980 --> 00:36:18.990 

Kacy Walz: And colima 2014 i'm going to craft my citations with that information so if it's a narrative citation i'm going to spell out and and if it's a parent's article i'm going to use an ampersand but those again are built off the information that i've taken. 



00:36:30.390 --> 00:36:31.470 

Kacy Walz: My reference. 



00:36:37.980 --> 00:36:51.720 

Kacy Walz: Information to my in tech citations along with n period D periods I don't have a publication date in my in tech citations and that's going to cue my reader that this is the specific reference that i'm citing in the text. 



00:36:58.650 --> 00:37:04.200 

Kacy Walz: This is a common question that we get in these in these presentations so we just wanted to give this little note. 



00:37:04.800 --> 00:37:20.610 

Kacy Walz: There are a number of different citation management software programs out there that can be extremely helpful in terms of you know, keeping track of your sources, making sure that you remember to include that that citation and that reference. 



00:37:21.810 --> 00:37:32.220 

Kacy Walz: But we want to make sure that students are aware that these are just programs right, these are just computer computer created algorithms, and so they do make mistakes. 



00:37:34.260 --> 00:37:34.620 

Kacy Walz: Right. 



00:37:50.040 --> 00:37:50.670 

Kacy Walz: Right so. 



00:37:52.920 --> 00:37:53.370 

Kacy Walz: The. 



00:37:57.900 --> 00:37:58.470 

Kacy Walz: Program. 



00:38:25.980 --> 00:38:29.880 

Kacy Walz: That we ask you to follow that style and asked you to include all that information. 



00:38:30.990 --> 00:38:39.510 

Kacy Walz: We went over the different sections of a reference entry so when you downloaded these slides you can go back over those different pieces, to make sure you know. 



00:38:39.690 --> 00:38:56.790 

Kacy Walz: What type of information, you need so you'll be able to locate those in your sources and then how you're going to format those specific pieces, paying particular attention to the publication information because that's what varies, the most between the different source types. 



00:39:01.980 --> 00:39:13.980 

Kacy Walz: sure that you are creating citations based on your reference entries, so your references are going to create the foundation for your in text citations. 



00:39:16.410 --> 00:39:18.840 

Kacy Walz: We have a number of resources that you can check out. 



00:39:37.980 --> 00:39:42.150 

Kacy Walz: have our electronic source references so questions you have about do is. 



00:39:43.350 --> 00:39:55.080 

Kacy Walz: about how to format that specific information, how to find them, so the resource our citation formatting and frequency modules and our reference entry modules are. 



00:39:55.590 --> 00:40:03.900 

Kacy Walz: My favorite resources for mastering APA, particularly because I found them really helpful myself when I was training for my position. 



00:40:04.170 --> 00:40:13.500 

Kacy Walz: I actually come from an MLA background we mentioned earlier there's some different styles of citing, and so I was very nervous when I was told I was going to expect to. 



00:40:14.010 --> 00:40:22.770 

Kacy Walz: be expected to be an expert in APA and these modules really, really helped build my confidence in those they allow you to test yourself and really put these. 



00:40:23.130 --> 00:40:35.250 

Kacy Walz: pieces into practice, and I know for me that's how I learned best so you can always email us at writing support at Walden So if you have questions after this presentation is over. 



00:40:35.670 --> 00:40:45.720 

Kacy Walz: If you're watching it as a as a recording you can email us and we will respond a writing instructor will actually respond to that email as quickly as we can. 



00:40:46.830 --> 00:40:59.010 

Kacy Walz: And I know we went through that really fast, because we wanted to make sure that they were time for questions so Michael or and were there any questions that would be helpful to talk over as a larger group, since we do have some time. 



00:41:00.450 --> 00:41:06.690 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: yeah thanks Casey I mean I know we covered a lot of information here and I thought I thought you did a really good job of talking through this stuff. 



00:41:07.770 --> 00:41:19.080 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: You know, we did encounter a lot of questions um I don't know that I have any that weren't kind of clarification, or would expand on knowledge and was there, something that you encounter that you think would benefit the whole group. 



00:41:20.730 --> 00:41:23.940 

Anne Shiell (she/her), Writing Center: Good question you know I actually wonder if. 



00:41:24.750 --> 00:41:36.750 

Anne Shiell (she/her), Writing Center: Everybody if your question did not get answered Michael and I were trying to keep up, but I know we had so many good questions today if your question is still unanswered, when you type it again in the chat box and then we'll we'll throw that to KC. 



00:41:38.760 --> 00:41:39.210 

Anne Shiell (she/her), Writing Center: awesome. 



00:41:39.240 --> 00:41:45.990 

Kacy Walz: Thanks so so while you're out doing that to you, I thought I would just take a look at our web page, because I know I mentioned a few things. 



00:41:56.370 --> 00:41:58.230 

Kacy Walz: But I wanted to. 



00:42:00.330 --> 00:42:02.820 

Kacy Walz: See sorry i'm. 



00:42:06.540 --> 00:42:15.030 

Kacy Walz: One thing that can be really helpful and I actually again I discovered this only a few years ago and i've been working at the writing Center for for almost five years now. 



00:42:15.420 --> 00:42:32.130 

Kacy Walz: But our writing Center quick answers it's a really great resources right on our homepage if you go to academic guys that Walden you EDU slash writing Center are quick answers, is a really great resource, I can type in let's see I saw some questions about multiple sorry if I can spell. 



00:42:33.810 --> 00:42:35.460 

Kacy Walz: there's reference. 



00:42:36.960 --> 00:42:46.620 

Kacy Walz: If I type that in so you can see, I have results one of 20 out of 300 and basically our quick answers, is a compilation of I believe it and or Michael you can correct me. 



00:42:47.100 --> 00:42:57.030 

Kacy Walz: But anytime we have received a question three or more times we create a quick answer for it, so these are questions that we have received from students who are writing in. 



00:42:57.300 --> 00:43:04.950 

Kacy Walz: And, basically, these were my keywords multiple authors reference So how do I make a reference entry or citation for a source with multiple authors. 



00:43:05.130 --> 00:43:18.240 

Kacy Walz: How do I say to document with no author what is a multiple linear regression, how do I cite authors, with the same name in here in APA so you can look through here, maybe you're not even sure exactly what your question is, but this is a great resource to start from. 



00:43:19.110 --> 00:43:29.730 

Kacy Walz: And so, here again, one thing I really like about this is, you can use our our search bar right here and that's going to come up with different. 



00:43:49.980 --> 00:44:00.960 

Kacy Walz: Here you can see, I mentioned, creating reference entries first so you know how to cite them in your in your text here, I have Center for disease control and prevention. 



00:44:01.410 --> 00:44:14.010 

Kacy Walz: With three different publications all in 2011 that i'm going to need to distinguish for my reader so I have created what we call siri ation which is putting a B and C and lowercase after the year. 



00:44:14.820 --> 00:44:24.660 

Kacy Walz: Those are ordered by the alphabetical order of the titles of the article and so now, when I cite calcium and bone health in my. 



00:44:25.410 --> 00:44:31.440 

Kacy Walz: document i'm going to know that I should put Center for Disease Control and Prevention 2011 be. 



00:44:31.770 --> 00:44:39.930 

Kacy Walz: In that in tech citation so my reader is going to know that that's the specific source that I use so that's one reason that it's really. 



00:44:40.080 --> 00:44:49.710 

Kacy Walz: A good idea to go back and double check using your reference list to craft those in tech citations because, otherwise, if I just have Center for disease control and prevention. 



00:44:51.090 --> 00:44:59.280 

Kacy Walz: In my in tech citations my readers not going to know which of these three sources that in that specific information came from so. 



00:45:01.020 --> 00:45:03.930 

Kacy Walz: Here you can see how this works and also. 



00:45:05.070 --> 00:45:10.800 

Kacy Walz: A little bit more detailed information about what I was talking about in our presentation. 



00:45:13.560 --> 00:45:24.270 

Kacy Walz: So, while I was chatting over that Michael were there any questions that came in that you think we should chat about otherwise I can keep keep just blabbering on about my favorite parts of our website. 



00:45:24.720 --> 00:45:26.910 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: yeah yeah I got I got a couple. 



00:45:27.270 --> 00:45:27.750 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: uh huh. 



00:45:28.410 --> 00:45:37.200 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: So, in the case where you have multiple authors in a in a journal article um, how do you determine the order of the authors listed. 



00:45:40.290 --> 00:45:58.080 

Kacy Walz: That makes sense Oh yes, yes, I think, so if I if I answer it incorrectly correctly, but so when you have multiple authors in a in a scholarly publication, the order that those authors are named, it is really, really important we call that a first named author, a second named author and. 



00:45:59.100 --> 00:46:03.660 

Kacy Walz: Basically, as you'll notice with like the at all right, the first name to author. 



00:46:04.080 --> 00:46:10.290 

Kacy Walz: really gets privileged in a way in terms of citations and references so when you're creating your reference entry. 



00:46:10.410 --> 00:46:20.520 

Kacy Walz: You want to make sure that you are presenting the names of those authors in exactly the way that it is presented in the publication so whatever order, it appears on the journal article. 



00:46:21.030 --> 00:46:31.770 

Kacy Walz: On the title page of the book you're going to make sure that you are presenting the author's names in that specific order is that what you were asking Michael does that clarify. 



00:46:34.290 --> 00:46:36.150 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: yep yep sounds good. 



00:46:36.240 --> 00:46:41.850 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: i'm just kind of looking for other questions that didn't get answered here um let's see. 



00:46:43.140 --> 00:46:51.990 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: here's one above about our paper review service when when you do make an appointment for a paper review in the writing Center How long does it take to get to get a response back there. 



00:46:52.680 --> 00:46:53.490 

Kacy Walz: Great question. 



00:46:53.910 --> 00:47:03.270 

Kacy Walz: So our paper of you appointments are all asynchronous so that means that when you make the appointment you're not expected to be there at a certain time. 



00:47:03.660 --> 00:47:10.920 

Kacy Walz: Basically, you create an appointment through our my past service, and you can I can show you what. 



00:47:11.820 --> 00:47:28.230 

Kacy Walz: That page looks like so you'll see this is for today, it looks like me Oh, we may maybe have one appointment open for today and you'll be able to make an appointment you create an appointment with a writing instructor and then within 48 hours of your appointment. 



00:47:31.710 --> 00:47:38.310 

Kacy Walz: Tomorrow you will have a response from your writing instructor and it's all personalized we make the. 



00:47:38.730 --> 00:47:50.910 

Kacy Walz: Comments directly on the document that you upload to your paper of you appointment and you get an email saying that that's ready we do try to get it back within 24 hours but oftentimes things happen. 



00:47:51.570 --> 00:48:01.050 

Kacy Walz: we're human beings, and it is a person who's responding to your work, not a computer generator so we give ourselves that 48 hour cushion and because we do know that. 



00:48:02.040 --> 00:48:15.420 

Kacy Walz: Students are incredibly busy one common comment I received is that students want to make paper review appointments, but they just are worried about not having time between submitting it to the writing Center. 



00:48:16.590 --> 00:48:21.600 

Kacy Walz: Having time to make meaningful revisions, you can make an appointment with course. 



00:48:25.560 --> 00:48:26.190 

Kacy Walz: discussion. 



00:48:40.770 --> 00:48:45.270 

Kacy Walz: Maybe you don't understand some of the feedback you received from a faculty Member or maybe. 



00:48:53.340 --> 00:48:53.910 

Kacy Walz: We can. 



00:48:55.980 --> 00:49:09.240 

Kacy Walz: as well, so if you're worried about that turnaround time but want to make it a pay per view appointment, I really recommend making one and then just submitting some other writing that you've already completed for your for your Walden degree, for your Walden Program. 



00:49:11.520 --> 00:49:22.830 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: awesome yeah let's let's do one more i've been getting a bunch of questions about citation generators and using them and what you know kind of the benefits are some of the risk could be about those. 



00:49:23.190 --> 00:49:35.880 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: I find myself talking about this a lot in the chat box is you want to talk through a little bit maybe you're kind of approach to a citation generator what maybe how you think about those those programs and how they can help students. 



00:49:36.630 --> 00:49:49.350 

Kacy Walz: yeah, so I think that anything that's going to make your life easier if you know how to work, it is a great tool, personally, I have tried several different. 



00:49:55.500 --> 00:50:06.690 

Kacy Walz: and honestly for me they're more confusing than helpful, so I haven't really been able to get the full benefit of them, but what I would say, always is is you know, in the end it's your work and it's your work that's going to be. 



00:50:10.020 --> 00:50:16.860 

Kacy Walz: An evaluation right, so you don't want to put all your faith into some other generator. 



00:50:20.700 --> 00:50:24.300 

Kacy Walz: So I would recommend you know if they are helpful to you. 



00:50:25.980 --> 00:50:34.260 

Kacy Walz: definitely take advantage of them and use them as as a tool to help you make sure that you are double checking their work. 



00:50:36.720 --> 00:50:37.200 

Kacy Walz: on that. 



00:50:40.080 --> 00:50:41.760 

Kacy Walz: feedback on the APA styling. 



00:50:42.840 --> 00:50:43.770 

Kacy Walz: And then just. 



00:50:44.790 --> 00:50:45.960 

Kacy Walz: Make sure that. 



00:51:01.230 --> 00:51:02.100 

Kacy Walz: it's an algorithm. 



00:51:04.920 --> 00:51:17.070 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: yeah thanks thanks Casey I mean, I think I think that's a really good way to approach it to think about it is that you are ultimately accountable for this right, so I wouldn't put too much faith and kind of computer programs there um. 



00:51:17.520 --> 00:51:23.940 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: With that, then, if you know there's been with some of the logistical challenges of zoom you know we may not have gotten to your questions. 



00:51:24.660 --> 00:51:29.820 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: If there is a female role account on the screen currently where you can get your questions answered. 



00:51:30.540 --> 00:51:39.600 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: That is monitored by writing instructor like myself or Casey and so, if you submit your question, there you will get a response within 24 hours so definitely. 



00:51:40.020 --> 00:51:45.060 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: Definitely reach out and do that if we accidentally missed your question, and again I apologize for that it. 



00:51:45.780 --> 00:51:53.370 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: was pretty pretty warm work in the chat box there for a minute beyond that yeah yeah we'd like to invite you to make a paper review appointment. 



00:51:53.700 --> 00:52:02.040 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: um, this is a great service for you to get kind of one on one feedback for your writing on so if that's something that's interested interesting to you or something you'd like to try. 



00:52:02.700 --> 00:52:06.240 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: You can find that link at the bottom of this current slide there. 



00:52:07.230 --> 00:52:14.280 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: And from there be be looking out for an email follow up from this webinar This will include the slide deck that that Casey presented. 



00:52:14.520 --> 00:52:29.010 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: And will include the recording or link to the recording and we're a place where you can find the transcript for this recording as well as well as a survey the survey I mentioned at the beginning to have that really helps us to put together and refine our webinar practices. 



00:52:30.450 --> 00:52:43.080 

Michael Dusek - Writing Center: So you know, thank you for that Thank you guys for attending and being a really a participatory audience and with that i'm going to kind of end the webinar for today so have a great day, and I look forward to seeing you guys again in the writing Center. 


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