Answered By: Jon Allinder
Last Updated: Jan 29, 2023     Views: 1540

You can find information about a specific population, culture, or group, in a variety of places. Below are some suggested starting points and search terms. 

Places to start research about cultures or population groups.
 Source  Type of information and related Quick Answer
 overview of a group or culture or issue

 How do I find books in the Walden Library?​​


  general information and list of reference

  How do I find encyclopedias?

  The Internet   educational or nonprofit organizations dedicated to particular groups or cultures

  Library Databases

 popular press articles and  peer reviewed studies 
  How to I find and use the multi-database Library search tool?


General search tips

  • For your searches,  try the name of the country, population or group and the word culture. For example:

    Native American culture

    LGBTQ culture

    African American culture

  • Remember that names of groups change over time as society changes. Try to think of what your culture or group might have been called previously. 

    For example, books are slower to publish, so there might not be as many if you search for LGBTQ culture. Try LGBT or GLBT as well.

  • Remember that while you CANNOT use Wikipedia as a source, you might find useful resources in their references for relevant entries.

Database Search Tips

  • Databases will only search for the terms you type in. You can brainstorm different names for your group or culture, and string these together with OR.
  • For the database search try this search setup:

In box 1, type: hispanic OR latino OR latina OR latinx OR Mexican Americans

In box 2, type: culture

  • In the database search results, look at the options on the left side of the screen for ways to limit or filter the results. You may need to scroll down to see all the options. Take a look at Subjects and Databases  to get an idea of other terms to use or databases to check.

Research Starters

The Library has some Research Starters to help you get started. To find these, click on the Start Your Research tab.

Scroll down to the Research by Subject box and click on Research by Population.

You'll see links for a variety of different population groups, including:


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