Answered By: Jon Allinder
Last Updated: Mar 05, 2022     Views: 739

You can use the advanced search limiters of Document or Publication Type in some databases to find case studies.

  1. On the Library homepage click on Research by Subject
  2. Click on the link for Business and Management.
  3. Scroll down to the section: Business & Management databases
  4. Click on Business & management databases.
  5. Scroll down and click on  Business Source Complete
  6. If you are prompted to log in use your myWalden Portal user name and password.
    Note: If you are not already on the Advanced Search screen, click on Advanced Search
  7. In the first search box type in your topic keywords. For example, you could enter:

    entrepreneur or small business​
  8. Scroll down to the Limit your results section and select a limiter. 

    Advanced Limiter boxes could be labeled either Document Type or Publication Type.
    In the relevant box, locate and select:  Case Study

  9. Click on the Search button to run your search.


Search tips: 

  • Do not select both a publication type and a document type. That search is too narrow. 
  • To see all of the results for a particular publication or document type do not type in any keywords. Simply select the limiter and click on search. 
  • A Document Type search is the narrowest search you can do. Keep in mind that results depend upon how a document was cataloged when added to the database. It is possible some case studies were not cataloged correctly. 
  • These instructions are mostly for the different EBSCO databases. Databases from other companies may or may not have the same advanced search options.


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