
Announcements are a great way to post important information for students. In this module, we will review the Announcements area of Canvas, different ways to view them, and how to create one.

The content of this page is covered in the video below. Click here to navigate directly to the video.

Please Note: Students will be notified within the course of an announcement posting. Additionally, if they have left their notification settings to default then they will receive an email to their Walden email address.

Navigating to Announcements

Screenshot of the Announcements area of the course with arrows and numbers pointing to Announcements on the left and the title of the announcement near the middle.

  1. Announcements: To view all announcements that have been posted in your course, click the Announcements option on the Class Navigation Menu.
  2. Announcement Title: Once you have navigated to the Announcements area, click the title of an announcement to open it.

An alternate way to view announcements is from the Course Home Page. At the top center of the Course Home Page, the most recent announcement will be visible, (if an announcement has been made). Click the announcement's title to open it.

Screenshot of the top of the home page of a class showing the most recent announcement at the top center.

Creating an Announcement

To create an announcement, navigate to the Announcements area of the course.

Screenshot of the announcement area with callouts to the announcements on the course navigation menu, + Announcement, and the vertical three dots to delete an announcement.

  1. On the Course Navigation Menu, select Announcements.
  2. To add an announcement, click the + Announcement button on the top right.
  3. To delete an announcement, you can click the vertical three dots to delete one.

After clicking + Announcement, you will see this screen.

Screenshot of the make an announcement page with callouts for the topic title, tool bar, typing area, and the Accessibility Checker.

Screenshot of the bottom of the add announcement area with callouts for the attach file button, publishing options, and the Save button.

  1. Title: Add an Announcement title.
  2. Text Entry Field: Type your announcement here.
  3. Rich Content Editor: Use the Rich Content Editor to enhance your announcement with formatting. You can learn more about its components in the Rich Content Editor area of this resource.
  4. Accessibility Checker: Use the Accessibility checker to analyze the announcement for accessibility.
    • Please note: This checker is not fool-proof, it is a helpful tool, but it is not going to catch all accessibility concerns.
  5. Attachments: Click Choose File to upload/attach a file to an announcement.
  6. Publishing Options:
    • Delay Posting:  Allows you to schedule when the announcement is posted.
    • Enable Podcast Feed: Creates an RSS feed.
    • Allow Liking: Lets the students like the announcement.
  7. Save Button: Use this button to publish the announcement. Saving the post will immediately display it in the course unless Delay posting was selected.

Video Walkthrough