
Update Before Your Course Begins

There are some key elements to update prior to your course starting:

  • Set your Time Zone
  • Update your pronouns
  • Update your Canvas Profile
  • Update the Instructor's Corner
  • Post any relevant announcements
  • Add students to groups

Set Your Time Zone and Update Your Pronouns

Navigate to the Account Settings Area

To change your Time Zone and Pronouns, you will click Account in the Global Navigation Menu (left) and then click Settings.

Account Settings area

Set Your Time Zone

Walden University's default time zone is CST (Central Standard Time). Assignments are due at 10:59 pm CST on the date of the assignment deadline. In Canvas, you can update your time zone to the one that you are currently in by using the dropdown menu on this page. 

Update Your Pronouns

Walden University embraces inclusive teaching and learning practices, and part of this is students and faculty having the choice to indicate their pronouns. In Canvas, you can set your pronouns by using the dropdown menu on this page.

Update Canvas Profile

Updating your Profile and adding a picture helps to build connections in a virtual world. To edit your profile, click Account on the Global Navigation Menu, then click Profile.

Update Account Profile area

Edit your information as needed.

  1. Edit Profile Picture: Hover over the blank avatar icon and a pencil icon will appear. Click this and follow the prompts to upload a profile picture.
  2. Edit Profile: Click the Edit Profile button to add a short biography to your Canvas profile.

Update the Instructor's Corner

The Instructor's Corner is an editable area for the instructor to place their name, biography, and contact information. You can navigate to it from the link on the Home Page.

To edit the Instructor's Corner, navigate to it from the Course Home Page, click the Edit icon on the top right, and then use the Rich Content Editor to add or edit the information. Faculty must set up the Instructor's Corner in each section they teach.


Editable Instructor's Corner area

Post Any Relevant Announcements

Before the start of the course you will want to create any relevant announcement. The topic of Announcements is covered in another part of this resource area. Please continue navigating through this resource.

Add Students to Groups

Before any work is submitted to your course, you must add students into Groups, if applicable to your course. How to do this is covered in the People and Groups guide within this course.